Things to Remember:
1. 9-1-1 is a free telephone call from all phones, including home phones and cell phones.
2. If you accidentally dial 9-1-1 DO NOT hang up. Stay on the line and tell the dispatcher that it was a mistake. This will prevent a call back from our dispatchers or a law enforcement response.
3. Cell phones that have been disconnected still have the capability of calling 9-1-1. So please be carefull when letting your children play with old cell phones.
4. If you call 9-1-1 in time of emergency, please remain calm on the phone and answer all of the dispatchers’ questions promptly. This will aid in a quick response to your emergency.
5. Please memorize your physical / 911 address and clearly post it on the front of your residence. This will aid the dispatcher in finding your location quickly, and also assist emergency responders while trying to locate your home.
Prank calls to 9-1-1 are illegal in the State of Oklahoma.